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Quantum Intereference in an Artificial 2D Lattice
Quantum intereference in an artificial 2D lattice
How Two Physicists Unlocked the Secrets of Two Dimensions
Quantum Lattice example showing how to create an artificial Chern insulator
Quantum oscillations in 2D insulators induced by graphite gates
Quantum Computing: Unlocking the Power of Lattices Exploring Mathematics in 2D Plane
tTmuQFT Seminar: Markus Heyl "Quantum many-body dynamics in 2D with artificial neural networks"
Violent quantum dynamic 2D bosonic system with finite range interactions
Ultrastrong Light-Matter Coupling & Multimode Entanglement in Waveguide QED | Qiskit Seminar Series
Session 3, Magnetic 2D materials, part 3
Non-Equilibrium Phenomena of Ultracold Quantum Gasses Trapped in Optical Lattice Potentials | Qiskit
Prineha Narang: Controlling Electronic, Spin & Lattice Degrees of Freedom of Artificial Atom Qubits